This is the final, 6th case in the Russian language. The prepositional answers the questions О ком? О чём? (which mean “About whom? About what?”) and is mostly used with the prepositions о or об (об if following word starts with a vowel)—“about”. Other prepositions of this case are: в—“in, at”, на—“on, at”.
Он мечтает
о торте.
Examples with the preposition о:
Мама думает о сыне.
Mama thinks about her son.
Иван Петрович пишет
доклад о работе.
Ivan Petrovich writes a note about
his work.
— О чём вы говорите?
“What are you talking about?”
— О ком вы думаете?
“Whom are you thinking about?”
This preposition is always used to express one’s feelings, object of speech, dreams, thoughts, etc. Here are some verbs that are used together with the Prepositional Case
The prepositions в and на are used to express position of something
—а → —е
— zero ending → —е
—о / —е → —е
—а / — zero ending → —ах
—ия → —ях
There are some words that form Prepositional plural from Nominative plural
soft endings —и / —я → —ях
—а → —ах
Words that exist only in Plural form