Verbs of motion with the prefix до- denote relocation of a person or object within a fairly large space: coming near, reaching an object or goal.
The prefix до- denotes approaching an object which was not far away originally. Verbs with the prefix до- answer the questions До чего? До кого? (Reached what? Reached whom?) and are often used together with the preposition до- after them.
Verbs of motion with prefixes have one peculiarity: the Present Tense usually requires a verb from the “ходить” group, as they show that the action is taking place right now. Verbs from the “идти” group are used in the Past Tense to show a completed action or in the Future Tense to indicate a potential result.
“дойти” group
“доходить” group
Past Tense
Meaning: result of an action. Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are taking place
or took place simultaneously.
Машина уже доехала до перекрёстка
Когда машина доезжала до перекрёстка, светофор
был ещё красный.
Present Tense
Meaning: a process that is taking place right now
or regularly. Used frequently.
Машина сейчас доезжает до перекрёстка.
Future Tense
Meaning: potential, predictable result.
Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are/will be taking
place simultaneously.
Через пять минут машина доедет
до перекрёстка.
Когда машина будет доезжать до перекрёстка,
скажи мне об этом.
“идти” group “ходить” group
“идти” group “ходить” group
дойти доходить
доехать доезжать
Present Tense
Past Tense
долететь долетать
доплыть доплывать
Present Tense
Past Tense
добежать добегать
Present Tense
Past Tense