The Russian language has special prefixes which, if added to verbs of motion, denote direction and thus help people understand each other correctly.
The prefix про- denotes movement along, past something, or through something, sometimes covering long distances. Occasionally the time taken to cover the distance may also be specified. Verbs with the prefix про- answer the questions Куда?, К кому? Вдоль/мимо чего? (Where? To whom? Along what? Past what?).
Verbs of motion with prefixes have one peculiarity: the Present Tense usually requires a verb from the “ходить” group, as they show that the action is taking place right now. Verbs from the “идти” group are used in the Past Tense in the meaning of a completed action or in the Future Tense in the meaning of potential result.
“пройти” group
“проходить” group
Past Tense
Meaning: result of an action. Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are taking place
or took place simultaneously.
Он уже прошёл мимо класса.
Когда он проходил мимо класса, прозвенел
Present Tense
Meaning: a process. Used frequently.
Он сейчас проходит мимо класса.
Future Tense
Meaning: potential, predictable result.
Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are/will be taking
place simultaneously.
Через 5 минут он пройдёт мимо класса.
Когда он будет проходить мимо класса, прозвенит звонок.
The prefix пере- denotes relocation of a person or object from one place to another.
It may also denote movement across something or diagonal movement. Verbs with the prefix пере- answer the questions Откуда? Куда? (From where? Where?).
Verbs of motion with prefixes have one peculiarity: the Present Tense usually requires a verb from the “ходить” group, as they show that the action is taking place right now. Verbs from the “идти” group are used in the Past Tense to show a completed action or in the Future Tense to indicate a potential result.
“перейти” group
“переходить” group
Past Tense
Meaning: result of an action. Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are taking place
or took place simultaneously.
Он перешёл улицу 5 минут назад.
Когда он переходил улицу, у него зазвонил
Present Tense
Meaning: a process. Used frequently.
Он сейчас проходит мимо класса.
Future Tense
Meaning: potential, predictable result.
Used frequently.
Optional meaning: two actions are/will be taking
place simultaneously.
Через 5 минут он перейдёт улицу.
Когда он будет переходить улицу, у него зазвонит
“идти” group “ходить” group
“идти” group “ходить” group
пройти проходить
перейти переходить
Present Tense
Past Tense
проехать проезжать
переехать переезжать
Present Tense
Past Tense
пролететь пролетать
перелететь перелетать
Present Tense
Past Tense