Russian Jobs

Several decades ago, there was not much diversity in the range of Russian jobs. Most people were far from spoiled when it came to choice: they opted for being a doctor, an engineer, or a teacher.  There were also some other jobs in demand on the list.


Today the situation with the job market has changed dramatically. Thousands of new CVs and job offers appear on various websites designed to be mediators between those looking for jobs and those providing them, making the Russian jobs market energetic. Looking for a job, be it a first job or the next stage in one’s career, can turn out to be an exciting job hunt offering a wealth of opportunities and exciting prospects.


The variety of Russian jobs ranges from PR and marketing to finance and banking—everybody has a chance to find something to realize his ambitions. The new reality of life dictates the appearance of new positions: if you are interested in social media, you may well become a social media manager, if you are interested in search engines—why not try your hand as a SEO specialist.