Russian Jokes

What would our lives be without jokes and fun? What would we do if we never smiled or laughed? If you feel down in the dumps or just tired, read some Russian jokes and anecdotes! They will put you in high spirits and give you the general picture of Russian humor and some aspects of Russian life. If you are learning Russian—you are even luckier! Russian jokes will make this process fun and entertaining.

Russian humor concerns everything around us. Our jokes and anecdotes are about children and family, studies and students, sport and medicine, work and travel, life and death… Here are some Russian jokes for you to enjoy: «Если человек по-настоящему хочет жить, то медицина бессильна» (“If a person really wants to live, medicine is powerless”); «Верните меня в прошлое! В нём было такое прекрасное будущее» (“Return me to the past! The future was so beautiful there”).

Russian jokes touch upon all periods of our life. «Лучший возраст у детей—это когда вы уже не водите их за руку, а они ещё не водят вас за нос», “The best age for a child is when you no longer lead them by the hand and they do not yet pull the wool over your eyes”. Many Russian jokes are about students («То, что не понял на лекции, поймёшь на экзамене», “What you didn’t get at the lecture, you’ll make out at the exam”), family life («Дорогой, ты любишь меня? — Что тебе надо купить?», “Dear, do you love me?" — "What should I buy you?”).

Russian jokes and funny stories are enjoyable ways to learn Russian! Laugh and learn, and it will be much easier for you to master the language!

Learn more:

Some Russian jokes can be found in this lesson.

This lesson for beginners also has some jokes and funny stories.